Management Details
Mr. Arun Khera |
Managing Director |
2. |
Mr. Sachit Khera |
Non - Executive Director |
3. |
Ms. Vimmi Scahdev |
Non - Executive Director |
4. |
Mr. Vishesh Chaturvedi |
Non - Executive Independent Director |
5. |
Ms. Parul Pathak |
Non - Executive Independent Director |
Smart Finsec Limited is a professionally managed company. Under our Articles of Association, we are required to have not less than three directors and not more than twelve directors. The overall management is vested in the Board of Directors, comprised of qualified and experienced persons. We currently have Five Directors on Board, out of which four are non executive directors.
Mr. Arun Khera is the Managing Director of the Smart Finsec Limited, is the driving force behind the group and its vision. Mr. Arun with his strong leadership skills, believes in leading from the front and has nurtured a culture which is result oriented and entrepreneurial. He had a diverse and wide ranging experience of over two decades in Financial services industry. His academic background include a Master degree in Commerce, FCA from ICAI and ACMA. He is also a member of NSE/BSE/MCX/NCDEX/ DSE. The varied exposure has made him wise and a result oriented person who is fully involved with the Company affairs
He is having more than 10 years of Experience in the Field of Finance, He has expertise in his field.
He is having more than 16 years of Experience in the field of Law & Finance, He is having vast experience with different field, Law , Finance & Taxation .
She is having more than 1o years of Experience in the field of Law & Finance, She achieved a great exposure to work with different filed: law & Finance.
The Company has a team of experienced management and employees who posses significant experience in Financial Sectors. Our management and professional personnel have extensive experience in anticipating market trends, identifying new markets and potential opportunities for development of business. We believe that this experience and expertise will enable us to replicate our business model in other geographic areas of India and for other types of financial projects.
Under the guidance of our Management, we have documented our internal processes and methodologies which ensure that each department and each employee of our Company are aware of their respective roles and obligations, as per the standards that we have set for ourselves. This also ensures uniformity in all our processes.
The Company has executed Agreements with NSDL and CDSL for its securities in Demat form. Tripartite agreements have been signed between the Company, the Registrar and CDSL and NSDL.
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai- 400001
A.Mohan & Company , Chartered Accountant
B32, Ground Floor, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015
Kotak Mahindra Bank
D- 209, Mansrover Garden, Ring Road, New Delhi 110015
Good corporate governance is a pre-requisite for enhancing shareholder’s long-term value. The company’s policies and practices are aimed at efficient conduct of business and effectively meeting its obligations to shareholders. SFL has been consistently improving transparency and accountability to all its shareholders.
The Company complies with the current requirements relating to corporate governance, under the Listing Agreement entered into with the Stock Exchanges. SFL firmly believes that good corporate practices underscore its drive towards competitive strength and sustained performance. These practices are also powerful tool for building trust and long-term relationship with stakeholders of the Company. Company’s thrust on transparency, integrity, accountability and disclosure has enabled it to accomplish best Corporate Governance practices.
The company has complied with SEBI Guidelines in respect of Corporate Governance specially with respect to composition of Board, constituting the committees such as shareholding / investor grievances committee, etc. Currently We have Six Directors on Board. Out of which three are Independent (Non Executive) Directors and two are Executive Director (Promoter Directors). Thus, SFL complies with the provisions of the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement in respect of composition of the board of directors.